The aforementioned boat chase requires no skill, neither from a driving nor from a shooting perspective. (A little improvisational spirit could have gone a long way.) But it's the moments you most expect to deliver the brightest sparks that are most devoid of them. The excitement is also undercut by your AI teammates' unlimited supply of ammo there's never any need to scrounge the ground for enemy weapons, which diminishes the sense that you are in imminent danger. To Warfighter's benefit, it's not as much of a turkey shoot as its 2010 predecessor, though enemies still pop up in the most predictable places, inviting you to gun them down. If only the gameplay could consistently uphold the promise of the most atmospheric levels.
#Medal of honor warfighter pc game cover Pc#
These visuals are much more effective on the PC than consoles, but on any platform, Medal of Honor: Warfighter isn't always just a sea of brown, though you can still expect plenty of dusty roads and crumbling hovels to fill your field of view. The Frostbite 2 engine that gave Battlefield 3 life is used well enough here, occasional visual glitches and distracting screen grime notwithstanding. Elsewhere, you use the blazing shine of your enemies' flashlights as beacons for your violence in various locales.

Other levels are just as visually impressive, like an on-rails boat shootout during which fires rage and floating debris threatens to ram you. The shooting is occasionally put to good use, too, such as in a noisy showdown during a raging rainstorm, the palm trees waving and bending in response to the heaving winds. You're given the ability to take cover and lean or peek before taking aim, lest you get pelted with lead at times, this encourages you to consider your surroundings and preserve your own well-being rather than rush forward, spraying the room with bullets.

The basic shooting and movement models are a good start, not because the guns are that remarkable, but because there's a sense of weight to your sprints and your leaps.

Yet there's something worthy here-the glimmer of a Medal of Honor that might yet hew its own path if the right elements are cultivated. Medal of Honor: Warfighter doesn't craft such an arc, and thus feels more like a pastiche of shooter tropes than a self-contained experience with its own identity.